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Shadowscapes Tarot


At the forefront of the pack, the hare sprints away. It darts past rocks and trees, slips under branches. Its paws flash across the ground with the race of adrenaline in its veins - the red, living pulse of blood that his pursuers scent. It drives them to a frenzy as they race after that elusive and pale streak. They race against each other, nearly climbing upon each other's backs in their efforts of chase, leaping from the tops of the wands, springing wildly through the air. Everyone for himself!

And through the battle of fiery brindled fur, he charges. They do all they can to obstruct him, as if for the mere enjoyment of conflict. It is like swimming upstream against a powerful surge. Exhaustion burns in the muscles and the lungs. At times there is a thin voice from within that urges, "Just lie down. Let the tide of strife wash over and past." But no, to do so would be to be trampled beneath the onrush. He does not falter. He feels his own pulse heat up with the excitement of this strife. It is an uphill struggle of living obstacles that he wades through. He feels a bit like the hare himself, struggling to break through to get to his haven. In the Five of Wands, sometimes it seems the world tosses dozens of obstacles in your path. When gathered together, these minor obstructions become an overwhelming wall to overcome, but take heart and let the adrenaline awaken body and mind to rise to the challenge. Answer that challenge not with despair but with renewed vigor. Appreciate the unknown strengths that are drawn forth when faced with difficulties.